Hotel WordPress Themes: Things To Consider Before Choosing One

Do you have a hotel business or accept hotel and resort bookings? Either way, it is important to have an effective online presence. Nowadays, people do not look up hotels using The Yellow Pages, but rather search it online. Therefore, if you want to make your business a success, it is important to use a WordPress theme that will help make your business stand out.

Important Features of a Hotel WordPress Theme:

1. Rates Page

The rate is one of the things that help the guests decide whether or not to book a reservation. So, it is important to have a page dedicated to what your hotel has to offer. The rates page will include the individual rates of each room, promo rates, etc. You can also incorporate rates for other services your hotel has to offer, such as shuttle or limo services, room service (have your menu ready), and more.

2. Photos

In addition to the rates, the overall look of the hotel is what attracts the guest the most. It is difficult for the guests to decide on a hotel they haven’t initially visited, so it is important to have the photos of the rooms, amenities (like gym or pool, if there’s one), cafe/ restaurant, lounge, parking area, and front desk. You may even include snapshots of your staff doing their actual jobs. Make sure the photos are clear and shot in high definition to give your site visitors an almost exact perspective on what to expect when they arrive.

3. Blog

Not all hotel websites have blog, but you must understand that having one has its advantage. Unlike the static information you offer on your site, a blog adds a personal touch to your hotel’s web page. Additionally, updating your blog in regular intervals can help your website gain traffic. Search engines love regular content updates and doing this will help your website top the search engine results. Fortunately, most WordPress themes have a built-in blog, which you can easily update regularly.

In conclusion, it is ideal to make sure that all these three features (plus more, if you have other requirements) appear on your hotel’s website theme. Moreover, the colors and fonts must compliment your hotel. If your accommodation is a casual inn, then you can go for playful hotel WordPress themes that depict fun, airy feel. On the other hand, use a more elegant-looking, first-rate theme if your hotel has a formal setup. It is also ideal to change the background or header graphics according to the season.